Thursday, March 08, 2007

Union GM 07/03/07

Why twin with a Palestinian university?
The Israeli Occupation of Palestine has consistently denied students their fundamental Right to Education. The Right to Education is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of human rights and it is these rights, that are inalienable for all people wherever they are in the world, that we think, as a Union, should be respected. The motion to twin with Al-Najah University was a symbolic gesture to our Palestinian brothers and sisters to remind them that that they are not alone in their struggle to live like human beings. Many Palestinians feel isolated and let down by the world, this twinning motion shows that we recognise their struggle and offer our support to their cause.

Is the University of Al Najaf a supporter of terrorism?
There have been suicide bombers who have come from Al Najaf. This does not mean that the university supports the actions of these people. The 14000 students of Al Najaf should not be held collectively responsible for the actions of a few. It is not this institution that is responsible for the creation of suicide bombers, but the oppressive actions of Israel, through occupation and oppression they endanger their own citizens.

Why do we oppose international fees for asylum seekers?
Asylum seekers are the most vulnerable people in this society
, often slipping into the "destitution trap". They are refused the right to work in this country and given £35 a week in food vouchers to support themselves. We believe that charging fees of over£8000 amounts to the removal of their right to education, which is enshrined in international law.

Why have we boycotted Coca-Cola?
Coke's human rights abuses and evironmental disregard is well documented. War on Want found that the Coke bottling plants in India were draining vast quantities of ground water to produce their soft drinks. This leads to water shortages in an already regularly drought riden country. Wells dry up, farmers can't irigate crops, so crops fail and poverty is perpetuated. The bottling plants also spew out untreated toxic waste, which poisons any water that remains. Generous as they are Coca-Cola offered the farmers effected a compensation package in the form of fertilizer, fertilizer that contained dangerous levels of the toxic chemicals, cadmium and lead.
In colombia at least 9 workers at Coke bottling plant have been murdered since 1994 and hundreds have been kidnapped or intimidated by paramillitaries for trying to trade unionise. New York councellor Monserat found that these abuses went on, if not with the complicity, at least with the knowledge of
the directors of Coca Cola.

Will this effect union revenues?
It shouldn't effect the money the union takes on soft drinks. sussex, who recently boycotted Coke, found that the takings on drinks did not fall at all. The alternative that they provide is actually cheaper for the union to purchase than coke, so profits have gone up. A sound bussiness decision as well as an ethical one.

Shouldn't students make up their own minds?
As a democrtatic, membership organisation we have the right to decide what to sell in our union. The union isn't just another place to get cheap drinks or see a gig, it's an organisation that has principals and values. Coke doesn't live up to the standards that we expect from a company and so we will not sell their products in our union. We beleive that as a Union we should not make money from, or give money to a company that is responsible for scuh human rights abuses, environemntal destruction, Union busting, displacement and murder. Until this changes there will be no Coke sold in the Union.

Will it have any effect?
With other Unions across the UK joining this boycott we are already costing Coke a lot of money and prestige. If this motion gets passed at NUS it will mean that Coke will lose their single largest contract in the UK. Because the Union workers in India and colombia have called for this action we beleive that such an enourmous cut in profits and the damage to the reputatation that this would cause would force Coca Cola to reconsider their management and support of human Rights violations.

What about the bullying motion?
bullying is an everyday reality for people in all walks of life. This motion clarifys the unions opposition to all forms of bullying and highlights the fact that bullying goes on around campus.>


Blogger Tom said...

"There have been suicide bombers who have come from Al Najaf. This does not mean that the university supports the actions of these people. The 14000 students of Al Najaf should not be held collectively responsible for the actions of a few"

This is hardly 'collective responsibility'. They don't lose out by not being twinned. You could say, on your precept, that every other university has been subjected to collective responsibility by UMSU not twinning with them.

Actually, it is narrowed collective scrutiny. This is an entirely different and far more desirable phenomenon.

You posit the question 'why Al-Najaf?'. I ask you concurrently, why not somewhere else instead?

6:40 PM  
Blogger Thirdeyemedia said...

Why not somewhere else? Nationally we chose Palestine for reasons that should hopefully be obvious, as was pointed out in the literature, 60 years of systematic opppresion is a unique situation for any state/people/territoriality in the World. I hope that eleucidates that.
If you are asking why that particular University, it is because it is a classic example of the suffereing the Palestinian people and students suffer and because it is the largest Uni in Palestine.

10:20 AM  

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